Week 5 My new business
So what happening with my new business?
It has been a lot different than I thought, way, way better.
I have been training with the Uni pretty much every day. I have been blogging or making videos every other day, and I have been attracting clients, leads and new apprentices into ILN.
This is such a fun experience. Over a thousand people have been reading my blogs, from all over the world, I find this incredible. This is a global business and that much is obvious every day when I check my stats.
I have 2 members in my team, and working daily to attract more, once we have a strong team it will be even more fun.
The one thing I did not expect was the camaraderie with other entrepreneurs. It’s incredible the energy that everyone gives out and how generous they are with their time and their ideas and skillsets.
I have found a whole new world and I am loving every second of it.
I will have made my money back by the end of June, about 4 months before I would have projected so this is fantastic news.
My focus has been diluted as I am not only promoting ILN but my own business and that of my friends.
So with that in mind I am delighted with what I have achieved so far, and the buzz of making a sale, seeing the cha ching in your inbox as well as the leads, makes this very rewarding.
You can tell straight away when you are not following the system because the number of leads dropped. Over the weekend I was in a course and it was impossible for me to do what I need to do daily and you could see the drop in results.
So back onto the training, connecting, videoing and blogging, that is my mission for this week and weekend.
This business is like any other. Keep doing what works and do not stop doing it when you see a result, you must repeat, duplicate and repeat again.
6 figures before the end of the year, that is my mission and I know that will not magically appear without me taking massive action.
You can use any form of social media to attract clients towards you, there is no one way, you can choose the one you know and like best. Then train, train, train until you get what you want, whether that is an extra thousand or two a month or a full time amount of your choice. You can choose now, it is up to you.
For more info drop in a see at ilnwithlilia.com or moneyisenergy.co.uk
or pm wherever you see me. Skype Lilia Sinclair Vibroqueen.
Just decide. Then lets have a whole lot of fun.
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