Let go with Lilia |
You may be feeling exhausted, you may be feeling vicitmised, you may just be so low and overwhelmed that you have no idea what the hell is going on.
OR you may be high. Running on an unseen energy and enjoying the ride with things falling into place effortlessly.
Whatever you are experiencing it will be strong and obvious.
The big change was supposed to be 2012 but most of us are starting to feel the real power of the change in concsiousness now.
When you see yourcellf as part of a much bigger picture you can move out of the apparent suffering that is caused by believing we are separate.
The planet is tilting on its axis, speeding up, so do not think that you are not being affected by this, because you are.
We are living in very exciting times for healing, creating and being but as in any transition period you may not be liking the changes you are feeling, you may be in resistance.
This is not a good idea for now.
This resistance will turn you into a human pressure cooker and you may well explode in one way or another.
I have found a better way....let go.
I say it pretty much everyday to my fellow releasers, "how do people who don't know how to let go survive"?
As Hale Dwoskin says, this tool is not a luxury it is essential to survive todays often turbulent times.
Change is something most people do not enjoy, because of the way we have been programmed and the limited knowledge of the subconscious mind.
When you understand that you are not in control and never have been you can give that one up and it will feel good, a big relief actually.
For control freaks, and I was one, this is counter intuitive but trust me on this, you will save precious energy and it feels awesome to let go of thinking you are it.
Then the security thing. Let go of that too. And approval. That's all bollocks too.
As is the belief that you are separate, and special, we are all the same, wanting to be loved.
That's all we are looking for. Love. Pretty simple and Universal.
We are one. We are love. The rest is an illusion. Don't believe me?
Visit the possibility just for a second without judgement...........and if you like what you see, feel, hear and experience, then let go of all attachment to the rest.
You deserve love and peace. If you do not have it guess who is keeping it from you?
LET GO of 3d and move to 5d, I think you will like it there :)
Here is my youtube channel, website
and my faceook for all upcoming events and retreats
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