Most people live within a wage system.
They get told what to do, when to do it and how to do it. And this works for many. They do their bit, the money goes in the bank, and they enjoy a few holidays a year.
I lived in it for most of my life and I 100% get the attraction of it, especially after the worst recession on our history. If it suits you then brill, if you are moaning about it then time to get out.
I know I never considered for years that there was any other way, especially as a single parent with 3 young kids.
I did what most people do, fall into the system without questioning how ludicrous it is.
When I was nearly 40 I went to work for the largest hairdressing company in the World. After a year there I realised that I was actually really good at what I did and if these people could do such amazing things then so could I, and way more perhaps.
My grandfather was the local butcher in our village and my mum and aunt had their own salon, so actually being a business owner or self employed was kind of in my genes.
Apparently the headmaster told my mum when I was young that I was a natural leader, something I never really understood probably until now. When you are very sure of things you can convince others. Because when we are convinced and believe in things we create them.
Last year I decided to give up my last business to do what I tell everyone to do, follow my heart and do what I love. Helping people to let go and be happy. This is my passion, this is what I love doing more than anything else.
It was a leap of faith letting go of my past and my last hairdressing business but I knew I had to put my full focus at whatever it was I was doing.
The only problem with this is it does not make much money and if I am not there or unable to work, then I earn nothing. Exactly like hairdressing, a great, fun, rewarding job with no leverage or pension. So what to do?
I dabbled around looking at Internet Marketing before and after making a list of how I wanted my new life to be and all the things I want to do, spread the word about the techniques, help in other countries primarily Africa, I realised I am going to need to earn more in order to do that.
Thats when I decided to join ILN.
- Unlimited customizable blogs that will suck the leads right in
- How to create an AMAZING blog course
- “DreamScaping” your new lifestyle course
- The Famous 8-Figure Million Dollar Day course
- How to sell by “getting inside people’s hearts” course
- The “Viral Magnet” Daily promo strategy
- ILN’s top affiliate training
- Private Internet Lifestyle Network Facebook community
Here is what you get when you join ILN.
You can use it to promote your own business which is what I am doing, plus you can use it to affilliate with them, or both.
If you would love more freedom but understand you need to work to earn it then pm for more details.
When you have the luxury of being able to do what you love, attract the right clients towards you, life becomes way nicer and energy begins to flow. Then you will reap the rewards. Everything comes to he who waits 
Lets live our dreams, just because we can 
Decide what you want. Put you full power and focus there, then let go of all doubt and impatience.