Monday, 7 July 2014



So into my third month in ILN.
As someone who has been running businesses since I was 18 I have pretty much seen it all.
The stuff that human beings do and don’t do used to really upset me. I could never understand why you dont just do what you are supposed to do. Why they don’t pull together and help each other unconditionally.
I taught aerobics and saw people desperate to get fit and toned not take the action to get there. Why? Why do some people have the self discipline and others not?
Motivation and ability to take the right action to get you where you want to go, always fascinated me.
I was brought up in the country and I am hugely grateful for that. There was no real fear around, we got to play by the rivers, the lochs and in the forests. We knew everyone by their names and not their wage or job title. If somebody was a genuine badass then everyone knew.
We all went to the same school, bars and restaurants so class was invisible, to me anyway.
I could still tell you the names of the few kids who went to boarding school and were taken out of RI because they were catholics, but apart from that, I saw no difference between anyone really.
When I moved to the city I was appalled at how people treated each other. The bullying in the workplace was something I had never witnessed, this was really hard for me. My friend then told me there are books written about the differences between city and country people, I had no idea how different people in your own country could be….depending on where they were brought up.
This was when I really saw the apparent inability for people in a team to truly think team and not I.
Everyday I would be helping people sort out their problems, trying to get the team to see the business needs and the business to see the team needs. It was never ending. I was amazed at how difficult an easy thing could be.
After 30 years in business I decided I no longer wanted to employ anyone because it was too much like hard work. We live in a world where we want instant results, we expect others to provide for us and make our lives better, instead of understanding we are responsible for ourselves.
So this journey with ILN has been fascinating. I watched the crazy growth, I read the comments from people who were excited and others who were angry, this is the joy of life. Its all about our perception. Fear can kick in, we perceive our expectations are not met, we lack trust, we jump ship.
This was another thing I found crazy in the city. The total lack of loyalty. I used to call it salon hopping. Hopping from salon to salon looking for the miracle place where you can be happy. Taking your unhappiness with you. Crazy, but people do it all the time. Impatience and the greener grass takes them off. This is a recipe for failure. Choose your team and then stick with them 100%. Communicate, learn, support, believe and get your head down and follow the training for months and watch the magic happen.
Do you jump ship or stick by your crew? When the going get tough do you feck off?
Or do you treat others the way you would love to be treated yourself? Like your mum used to tell you :)
I love this training and it has catapulted my business and my vision. I am in for the long haul because thats how success is achieved.
ILN and the lap top lifestyle is for me.
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