Thursday, 3 July 2014



vincent ortega jr

I have not had any leads for a few days. Why? Because I had stopped doing all the things that get me leads for a few days :) Not rocket science.
When I started this online business I decided to give it 6 months before I made a judgement call on whether it was for me.
I need to know how much time a day/week I need to really put in, plus is it enjoyable?
So far I love it, but my challenge has been to get peaceful uninterrupted internet time.
The work is not hard, it is fun but you do need to put time aside to write the blogs, make connections and videos. What you need to do is create valuable, interesting content via any media you enjoy, there are many more now, but I am focussing on fb and blogs mainly.
I also have a following on twitter and linkedin, and I plan to improve my relationships and communication there as like all businesses that need clients, its a numbers game. The more people you can reach the more likely you are to find the right people for your team.
One of the main things is consistency and it becomes clear when you see your leads.
When they stop it is because you have not been following the recipe. For a few days there I did not have a lead and that was simply because I was not doing the blogs and videos. As long as you understand that the more you expand your presence the more you will attract people in. The more presence you have online, the more intention you have to attract the better results you will get.
You can liken it to a door to door salesman. The more doors he goes to in the right neighbourhoods the more sales he will get. This system shows you how to knock on doors but more importantly how to get people to knock on yours, but you do it from the comfort of your lap top and the luxury of your time line and frame
When your family needs you, your parents ger older, or you just want to travel and be independent, this type of earning capacity comes into its own as you can do it at night, or early morning, or basically whenever suits you. If you take your foot of the gas it will reflect on your results, but after a few months/years you can create a comfortable to immense residual income of the amount that suits you.
I am looking for anyone who wants to learn how to market online and/or anyone who is looking to create a massive income online and all those in between. The only thing you need to be able to do is train and follow the guidelines. Anyone can do it , its just who really wants to?
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please pm me or skype me on Vibroqueen Lilia Sinclair
You can add your details here at
Live your dream, just because you can.
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