Friday, 1 August 2014



I needed to find a way to find more clients and make more money. I had taken time off when my dad was dying and had totally lost focus over the winter. Now things felt clearer, I felt stronger and I knew I wanted to work online, because I am going to be travelling.
So when the email popped in I signed up. I had to learn how to get more clients and spread the word about the amazing techniques that I have learned.
I watched all the training there but one in particular stood out, the Facebook domination.
Then I realised that some people were making a lot of money selling this training, so I decided to go full in, because then you get a better result.
This has transformed not just my business but my ability to travel.
My goals are to
1. Help raise the vibration of the planet
2. Travel all over the World teaching the techniques which will do that.
3. Run Immersion retreats that wake people up to their true nature and potential by raising their vibration
As I have got older spending time with my loved ones is a priority for me. May seem crazy as I live in another country, but the time you spend when I go there or they come here is very different. I feel that it is more treasured. This does not work for most, but it does for me.
So the facebook training showed me how to target my clients specifically.
For example I have family all over Scotland. Now I can create a workshop and run one anywhere in the world because I can go into facebooks family of over 1 billion and find people in these areas who like the things I like, then connect with them and see if they would like to come to my workshop!
How simple, targeted and fun is that.
I am going to visit my brothers, my friends and run workshops there, spread the word about the techniques, have a blast, promote my Retreats…..what kind of a gift is that. A huge one.
Also ILN keeps me on track. The fact that I have invested the money means I take it seriously as a job. I will get my moneys worth. Even although I am not doing it the normal way by focussing on afflliation.
I am focussing on setting up my brand, my workshops, my retreats and getting the word about this amazing training out. The rest will fall into place naturally over the next few months.
For now I am over the moon to see how quickly you can turn things round.
Thanks to all the brains at ILN for a big new world. I love it!
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