The Morning after the night before. So what to eat? Funny right now I have no desire to eat. Much as this was nothing to do with weight loss I am really enjoying seeing my hip bones again and definition in my face. There is a lightness in my step and my energy levels are definitely creeping up. I expected to have much more energy by this time, but as I said in previous blogs, I have way more for the body to process now. The water fast will have brought stuff up too and the juice is helping the body to eliminate it all now. I am getting a bit of an insight into food disorders too.
SELF CONTROL Control, this is all about control. Deciding when you will and will not put food into the body. She (the body) is becoming more alive, I dont want that to change.
The one big thing I have noticed is, if I have that hunger (or craving) feeling in my gut and its about the time I should eat, I dont actually need to eat, nothing happens and the feeling passes. Normally if it is a meal time, if I have that feeling we call hunger, I will eat something, especially if on the run. But on wednesday I was in Glasgow, came home to my friends house and thought about making a juice, not because I was hungry but because it was that time. I was tired and decided just to have water and go to bed. Again the next day I was going to stop in Byres Road and pick up a juice for breakfast, but there was no parking and I knew I could make one at home in 2 hours time, so I just drove down the road. Normally I would have stopped at a garage and told myself I needed a coffee to keep me going, or maybe even a shitty sandwich. Funny how we convince ourcellves stuff is true when it quite clearly is not. So that is quite enlightening. Lust. That is one of the emotions we talk about in the Sedona Method. The idea that you really want something and the more you percieve you cannot have it the more you want it. That has really backed off for me. Let's see how long that lasts, or maybe I just get it now, I hope so! Food is a drug to most of us in the Western cultures. More people are dying of overeating that of starvation now. The way we have destroyed the top soil, the way we process and the very bacteria we need, the additives, preservatives, colourings, the way we store foods and the way we treat the animals that we eat, all goes to a very sad, cruel, depleted food chain. Mother Nature is genius in its simplicity and we have come in with greed and fear and holy shit what a mess we have made. CONFLICTING NUTRITION ADVICE There is so much conflicting advice out there but it's actually simple. Eat food out the garden and off the trees. Take what you need from the sea and land, nothing more than you need on that day in a humane, deeply respectful way for all, and we will be fine. Fruit is coming off the trees weeks before we see it, stored and packaged, sprayed and then set out in bright lights. Animals are put through hell to provide us with their meat and products. They are fed the wrong foods, all to feed our greed and need and subjected to intense fear and cruelty. The drive for cheap food has led us to create things that are quite literally poison for the body. What you need to eat changes as you age. Different times, jobs, demands need different fuel. Where you live, your genes, your blood type, your ancestrol make up, all go towards dictating what your body needs. This is different for all of us depending on our individual situation. But there is a very simple rule of thumb. Look at your plate and ask....... How much has man altered it? The closer it is to the way Mother Nature presented it, the better. Disease is rampant in our Countries. People are becoming disabled, suffering brutal treatments, quality of life and life force is diminishing and we are just ignoring it in the main, hoping the pharmaceutical companies will come up with some drug to fix it all. Hippocrates said "Commit enough daily sins against Nature and disease will appear." Look around, I think he was right. This fast has caused a lot of interest, concern and the usual criticism from the less well informed. Criticism is just resistance and that is a common part of being human. Back in the day we never sat down to 3 meals a day, filled with processed, trans fats and sugars. Back in the day there were no meal times. We ate as and when to fuel ourcellves and when the boys came back with a kill. We ate what was in season, when it was in season, and we took only what we needed, and left the rest. Humans are the only species to stock pile out of fear. The food we waste is immoral and disgraceful when you think that people are starving in the World. We kill in advance hoping someone will by the dead thing rather than killing for need and hunger. We have so lost the plot that not only is our entire species suffering so is every other one because of our actions. Fasting makes you realise how much we overeat. It gives you a respect and understanding of the body that you may not have had before. It gives you deep appreciation for tastes, flavours and smells. It brings you in touch with your gluttony. It allows you to see others discomfort around you choosing not to eat and how it sparks the thought that perhaps they too should try it. It allows you to see how our culture "feeds" as a social pastime and how others want to feed you and insist you need "something". The hunger was not an issue for me these past 10 days, it was the detox symptoms. Having sinusitis at the same time threw me a bit as I was "trying to figure out what the body was doing"! I used my techniques for releasing pain, releasing old inherited frequencies and beliefs and for attracting vibrant health. This suprised me a bit, normally I would crave something, this brings you in touch with your addiction, then you can use the techniques to release that belief. But none of that happened. Interesing. What an interesting 10 days it has been and will continue to be until the end of lent. I am not a vegetarian. I eat a lot less meat but for enviromental and cruely reasons, not because I do not enjoy it. I endeavour to get grass fed organic meat when I can and fish that has lived a natural, wild life. I am blood group O which is traditional hunter, gatherer food. No wheat, sugar, caffeine and dairy. So this is what I will stick to for the rest of lent. Clean veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds and the odd bit of protein primarily from fish. This will still allow the healing to continue in my gut. I will keep on with releasing, affirming, asking, demanding, praying for all aches and pains to be healed. I am healing. I allow mycellf to heal I am open to being free from all aches and pains I am vibrant, joyful, healthy and happy
In order to keep healing and stay full of life, I need to eat things that are full of life.
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