Saturday, 31 May 2014


If you are lacking money in your life it is because of your beliefs.
You cannot have what you don't believe you can.
We are creating our reality based around what we believe.
The only problem with that is you may not know exactly what that is?
But you can see if you do not have enough there is something in your subconscious that is blocking you.
Money does not grow on trees. You are not worthy. Money is the root of all evil.

Whatever it is you can let it go. All you have to do it get clear on what you want and then let go of what you don't.
When we affirm what we want and use EFT at the same time we turbo charge our beliefs.
We change quickly from what we don't want to what we do.
This can happen in as little as a week.
What was not your truth on monday can be yours by sunday if you practise the techniques.
Beliefs are just a thought you had over and over. Start thinking thoughts about what you want, then repeat and repeat until you are rich or whatever it is you desire.

EFT emotional freedom technique taps on the meridians and allows you to let go fast.
Practise, practise makes perfection. This may sound silly, but try it and see. Whats the worst that can happen.
Tap your way to abundance whatever that may be for you.

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