Saturday, 31 May 2014


If you are lacking money in your life it is because of your beliefs.
You cannot have what you don't believe you can.
We are creating our reality based around what we believe.
The only problem with that is you may not know exactly what that is?
But you can see if you do not have enough there is something in your subconscious that is blocking you.
Money does not grow on trees. You are not worthy. Money is the root of all evil.

Whatever it is you can let it go. All you have to do it get clear on what you want and then let go of what you don't.
When we affirm what we want and use EFT at the same time we turbo charge our beliefs.
We change quickly from what we don't want to what we do.
This can happen in as little as a week.
What was not your truth on monday can be yours by sunday if you practise the techniques.
Beliefs are just a thought you had over and over. Start thinking thoughts about what you want, then repeat and repeat until you are rich or whatever it is you desire.

EFT emotional freedom technique taps on the meridians and allows you to let go fast.
Practise, practise makes perfection. This may sound silly, but try it and see. Whats the worst that can happen.
Tap your way to abundance whatever that may be for you.

Friday, 30 May 2014

The Secret to the Law of Attraction: DREAMS COME TRUE

The Secret to the Law of Attraction: DREAMS COME TRUE: So I am on the plane on the way home for the Key to health and wellbeing launch in the morning. This afternoon I was swimming in the m...


So I am on the plane on the way home for the Key to health and wellbeing launch in the morning.
This afternoon I was swimming in the med, looking at the aqua greens and blues, feeling the energy and silk of the water on my skin and the heat of the sun in my face, always hard to imagine at that time that I will be in my bed in Glasgow tonight.
This course has been about decades of wondering, studying, researching and asking about health. Why are we getting so sick when we are highly educated and comparatively wealthier than ever before?

It is like I have been led down a path, that continues to open allowing more insight and wonder to appear.
This course is not about nutrition, exercise and fresh air.
All of that and more are in it but that is not what the message is about. It is not about eat this avoid that, do this do that.
These subjects are vast but yet so simple.
What are you doing to your cells?
What did we do when it was just us and Mother Nature?
This is the message of the course.
If you grow your own food, every step in this plan would be free. We did not need money back in the day to stay alive, to eat. We grew our own food, and along with water and shelter we did not need much else. All was good till we started "developing".
Somewhere along the line we totally lost the plot and the memory that we are nature.
We do things now on a daily basis that go against nature.
Hippocrates said " commit enough sins against nature and dis ease will appear".

In this so called developed world we judge, compare and compete and this is drastic for the body long term. And for the planet.

I read today, it's not what goes into your mouth its what comes out of it that causes the problems. 

It reminded me of my hero Carolyn Myss saying when we were up at Findhorn....
"It is not enough to come up her live in the forest hang a few wind chimes and become vegetarian. There is nothing worse than a vengeful vegetarian". lol. I still chuckel about that.

But her message is clear and my research is clear. it's about your heart. It's about love. For ourselves, ourcellves, all living creatures and the planet.

What are you giving out.
That is what affects your cells.
 What words are you using, what thoughts are you thinking, what feelings are you feeling and WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
I still find myself getting it very wrong. But at least now I am aware. This is a massive part of the journey through change.
Then we take a good look at ourcells and clean up our act.
Every step of this course is to raise your vibration, to let more light in literally. To unlock any memories, programmes and past traumas and hurts. To clean your cell out to allow you to shine. To help your energy and vitality. To massively increase your creation power. To help you get clarity through contrast, fast.

To show you how to love yourcell and everyone elses cells.
This is where transformation comes.
We detach, we heal, we love.

For more information on The Key to Health and Wellbeing find us on facebook

or our website

Time to reset our health and happiness to HIGH energy and vitality. See you there :)




When you know what you want it is a fairly straightforward process to get it.
Take losing body fat and building muscle as an example. You decide what you should eat, how you should train and then you get into action.
You start off and you are not the way you want to be but you follow the plan and get stronger and slimmer,slowly but surely. You know what you have to do, and you want it enough to follow through.
You follow the plan on a daily basis, the more meticulously you follow it the better results you get.
When you see the muscle appearing and the body getting slimmer and more attractive you get a buzz and encouragement that keeps you going. You keep following the plan knowing that it is the repetition that will get you the result. You know 100% it will happen if you take the action. Its certain.
You get more and more confident the longer you do it.
This is the same for ILN or any business for that matter.
It is your attitude and belief in it that gets the result.
Your instant success can depend on a few factors like
  • Have you ever had your own business?
  • Do you know ANYTHING about online marketing?
  • Do you understand how to build a team?
  • Do you know about giving value?
  • Are you patient and confident that you can do this?
Anyone can do this, but not everyone will.
Because they will give up. They will not follow the training with the sheer determination and gusto that it takes to be successful in anything.
Limiting beliefs, lack of patience and direction, subconscious blocks and past experiences can all play a part too.
We are all coming from different starting points so some will have success quicker than others, that is the way of life. But nothing can stop you when you decide that you are going to achieve success.
Nothing except you.
Write down your goals.
Use these techniques to help you let go of all negative thoughts and feelings.
You may have a lot of learning to do.
Watch all the videos over and over until you know them inside out.
Write down clear goals on what you want to achieve.
Identify your training needs. If you are already an internet marketer it may be a lot easier than if you are completely new. This is obvious but sometimes overlooked.
  • Can you make videos?
  • Can you write blogs?
  • How many hours a day do you have to focus on this business?
  • Do you have skills that you can pass onto your fb community that will be of value and interest to them?
  • Do you find it easy to make friends online?
  • Are you prepared to develop yourself and learn the skills you need to become and brilliant team leader and marketer?
Look at your strengths and identify your areas for growth, training and development.
Make a list and be honest, open and patient with yourself about how much work you need to do.
Understand that you may be challenged and make a point of finding a way round every one that comes your way, because it feels amazing when you do.
You do not need any skills to get started. You can use other peoples value, status updates, there are many amazing people in this family who will to share everything with you to keep you in and give you the essential support till you can walk/run on your own.
Having a business is like having a kid. You need time, patience, focus, love and keep on keeping on, day after day and then the day after that and the day after that.
You have made the commitment, no turning back. Man up and action up.
Look ahead, keep your eye on the goal, develop and deepen your belief in yourself.
Affirm your goals and let go of all doubt and limitation.
Watch my video series on how to speed up the process.
Enjoy your journey, because you can. You get to choose, how cool is that?
The whole world is in your hands.

Thursday, 29 May 2014


When you get in your car you need to know where you are going. Otherwise how would you know what road to take.
Get crystal clear on where you are going, preferably somewhere that excites you.
You can go anywhere you want, it is up to you to decide, it is your life, your business.
So think about it for a bit before you take action.
What does excite you? Where would you love to go? Who would you love to take with you and who would you love to help?
Most people are too busy to take the time to do this. Unbeknown to them they are going somewhere, we are all driving, its just a case of some are doing it deliberately and others are not. They just hope to end up somewhere safe.
Take some time to see where you are guiding your life……with your thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs.
Is this where you want to go? Is this a stop off till you think about what you ACTUALLY want.
Set clear goals, write them down, put your attention there, then let go of all limiting beliefs.
Select it
Project it
Collect it
Cover Photo
It has been well documented that people who set clear goals achieve them.
When you start your own business you make a plan, or at least you should.
What is the plan? The bank needs to know if its bricks and mortar, the staff need to know and YOU need to know.
Because if you do not know where you are going how are you going to get there?
So a clear picture of how you would like/love it to go. Write it down then……then try this new approach ….emotional release techniques. Freedom techniques to bypass any limited programming.
Often our underlying beliefs, our lack of trust and patience will stop us achieving the amazing things we are all capable of.
We get negative comments from friends and well meaning family that put doubt in our mind.
Maybe you have never been 100% accountable before and you find it impossible to keep on keeping on.
Whatever it is that is stopping you achieving your dreams can be changed.
And fast.
When you realise that you are in your own way. Stop blaming anyone else. Stand up and DECIDE things are going to go your way. Then you are already half way there.
Make your action plan and follow it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Then move into trust, follow your heart, your intuition but most of all be patient. Allow it to unfold.
We need to keep a clear eye on the goal. You can use pictures, visualisation, affirmations, letting go and/or any technique that helps you to focus on exactly where you want to be and not the opposite.
People are very powerful here.
If you are having a bad day you need a team mate to help you up, not push you down further.
Choose your team carefully. Make sure they understand the plan.
Work together and harness the powerful energy of the collective.
Be the unstoppable, achieve your dreams and on the way there enjoy it.
Click below for my video series EFT for business.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Do what you always do, get what you always get.
It all starts with a thought.

Think what you always thought, get what you always got.
When we change our thinking and  understand the way we have been programmed, we unlock the magic.
Mark Hoverson internet millionaire has intensive training on this.
When you understand the energetic nature of the Universe and that you can position yourself in it wherever you want, things change.
With this knowledge of the quantum mechanics comes a big responsibility.
You can no longer ever be the victim.
This is the hard bit.
You can no longer see yourself as a victim.
You must become a Master.
This is easier for some than others, depending on how much pain and crap you have had in life. And some defo get way more than their fair share.
My personal belief is that we come here to experience certain things and no matter what you do, it is in your contract to have that experience.
This is a belief I decided to adopt because it was the only way I can make sense of some of the horrors on Earth.
True or not it allows me to accept and not judge others.
We are all playing parts that allow us to grow and experience.
We can of course have enormous growth through love, but most of us wake up because of pain. It was certainly that way for me. Then when you get fed up with the pain, you look for ways to change.
That’s when the magic starts.
Life should be really simple.
  •  You decide what you want.
  •  You focus on what you want
  •  You get what you want.
This is the basis for the law of attraction.
So why are so many of us living in lack?. Lack of health, lack of wealth and lack of love.
The answer is very simple. Because of our beliefs.
The crazy part is we don’t even know what we believe.
The even crazier part is a belief is just a repeated thought……and it was probably never yours in the first place.
The great news is you know what your subconscious beliefs are by looking at what you have or not, and realising it’s your beliefs that got you there or not.
What area are you struggling in?
We are living in an age of where there is a lack of gratitude.
We need to put our focus and attention on how lucky we are, all the things we are grateful for.
We need to understand that it is “no ones” fault we are the way we are.
Take our full power back.
Realise that big waves come and just keep our heads down or jump over the top when they do.
No point in judging the wave and allowing it to stop you enjoying the ride.
It’s never about what happens it’s how we deal with it. How we react, or act.
Our beliefs, our past experiences, our lack of trust, our lack of appreciation for what is, our impatience and lack of self discipline will stop us.
It is all in there along side the unlimited potential 
Can you see the only person that can stop you?
More and more now thanks to the research of people like Lynne McTaggart who wrote The Field, The Intention experiment and The Bond, we understand our interconnection with the planet and everything and everyone on it.
We understand the power of intention and attention.
We understand that we are connected to everything in the Universe.
We understand that we affect and infect others. Deliberately or not. Consciously or unconsciously.
We understand the need for a change in the way we think, exactly as Russel Brand has been advocating.
The world is not flat peeps…..we need to open our minds much further thank that.
What to do?
Choose your words carefully. If you don’t want it don’t say it.
Focus with crystal clarity on what you want.
Let go of everything you do not want.
Change your beliefs to ones that serve you, others and the Planet.
Step no 1 is to Decide. Decide you are going to be free. Decide you are going to be happy. Decide you are going to meet the love of your life. Decide you are going to be rich. Decide you are going to heal.
Decide you are going to be a 6,7,8 figure earner with ILN.
I have.
Write down you goals. You can start with the short term then move onto the bigger picture.
I am open to attracting ? or more leads
I allow myself to attract over 5 TLA energetic entrepreneurs into my team
I am open to earning over 10k a month through multiple streams of income
I am following the training daily with zero procrastination
I AM diligent, patient and trusting that great wealth can be mine
I am building a creative, energetic, dedicated team of fellow entrepreneurs and we are all making a FORTUNE!
Have fun with this stuff, write down the goals that make you feel good.
Turn your money into full experiences and feel how it feels. Act like it’s already done, because on some level it is :)
Put your attention and intention there.
Then move into trust and observe from a happy, detached space….your dreams unfold.
I am making a series of goal setting and unlocking videos. The road is clearer when you have a map and you know where you are going.
This is a 2 fold process.
1.Clarity on what you want.
2. Let go of everything you do not want including limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks around money, trust, self worth etc.
Our success is primarily getting driven by our beliefs. Our beliefs are stored in our subconscious, you may not even be fully aware of exactly what you believe. If you have no money, you probably have limiting beliefs around it. If you attract the wrong partner over and over you probably have limiting beliefs there. It’s easy to see where we need to put our focus.
When a human being decides with all his might and power he is going to have/be/do/see something, then he will. He just needs to repeat the powerful actions over and over, be patient, believe and trust, then it appears.
Make you decision with ILN. How much would you love to earn and learn? Why are you doing it? Whether it is to promote the training or your own business, get clear on what you want and write it down.
Video series on this to come soon! For more info on ILN go to

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


This course is about high energy and vitality for every human being who wants it.
From love energy stress, or just keen to stay well, this course serves everyone.
It's just about Mother Nature and living within her laws.
It's just about letting go of labels and concepts that keep you stuck.
Depending on how you approach this information, your results can be startling.
This is one of the most amazing results to date, simply because Lorri did what most people do not do.
She followed the healing plan. She travelled with her juicer, she made no excuses.
There are never any guarantees for your health no matter what you do.
 But you must have hope, that is what keeps us truly alive. 
Others prefer to stay safe incase they fail and that is ok too, we all do what we need and believe we should. 
If there is a tiny bit of hope inside you, a desire for change even if right now you cannot fully believe it, then read on.
Lorri had been diagnosed with MS for 10 years.
Here is her story.

What made you make the choice to do this/follow this program?

When i began this programme i didn't really know anything about it.  I was told about it by someone who had worked with Lilia and they were so enthusiastic and energized about their experience that I was intrigued.
What were your original reservations if any?

My initial reservations were how can this person, who I had never met, help me with what was happening in my life and how could I follow a plan for the rest of my life?
How did you feel back then?

I was at a stand still but, not only was I not moving on with my life, I was trapped within a negative mind set.  Not in a 'poor me' feeling sorry for myself way, I always held strong to the belief that things could be worse but I was lost within my feeling that I would always face the same struggles every day.  This was what my life would be and therefore it was what was meant to be. I had no control of what my body was doing to me and that scared me.
What were your challenges? (don’t need to get personal)

Initially the hardest thing to do was open myself up to the concept that things could change.  Having lived under the shadow of a label for many years and knowing that all the medical professionals I had ever interacted with (as well as everyone I met with the same label) had never entertained the idea of there being any more help for me than what they offered - statistics and drugs. Letting myself believe that they were wrong all this time was a scary concept to get my head around.  I would have to release all my feelings and emotions that I had built up surrounding my label and, at the same time, release all my fear of failure and also face the negative attitude of some of my peers to this new journey I was on.
What was your experience of the programme & Lilia throughout?

From the very 1st 'skype' meeting with Lilia i already felt some of the weight lifted from my shoulders.  She was very easy to talk to and her absolute belief and enthusiasm for the programme had me hooked from the start.  I was very aware that the programme could work for me as long as I worked with the programme and with Lilia's guidance, help and encouragement through the initial stages of small changes I made in my life it wasn't long before I started feeling a big difference.
When did you start to feel a shift?

I would have to say that from the very beginning I felt a positive energy growing in me even before I fully understood what was happening.  However, the biggest shift happened after only working with Lilia and the programme after just a few weeks when the 'small changes' I had made just morphed into my natural routine without me even being conscious of it.  I really felt like i had unlocked something within me that made me believe I could achieve any goals I desired just be continuing on this path.
How do you feel now?

I feel something i never thought possible.  I am cured!  I have even gone beyond healing myself on a physical and emotional level and opened my focus outward to healing other things in my life and setting other goals to enhance my quality of life.
How have you benefited?I have turned my life around.........from being a "poor wee soul with an incurable condition", I have become a positive, forward looking, healthy woman, ready to fulfill my dream of becoming a mother and leading a normal healthy life.
Have other people noticed?

Yes.  People have commented on how well I look, the weight I have lost and the energy that I have but also on the upbeat, enthusiasm I have for life now.  And a surprising amount of them have asked me how can they do it too. 
Why should anyone do Key to Health & Wellbeing?

Why wouldnt you give it a try?  No risk, high reward.  The unbelievable high feeling of accomplishment and self worth it has given me has really changed my life.  I will forever be grateful that I was lucky enough to cross paths with Lilia 
who has been there for me every step of the way.

Lorri is now glowing with health and expecting her first baby in August.
This humbles me in a way that is impossible to put into words.
Without people like her the evidence of this programme cannot come to light. 
Appreciation of her trust, raised my vibration. We both benefitted equally.
Thank you Lorri, from the bottom of my heart. So excited to meet this new soul!


When we change our thinking and  understand the way we have been programmed, we unlock the magic.
You can do that with us at The Key to Health and Wellbeing.

The law of attraction is no big Secret now, most people have heard about it even if they choose not to believe it.
With this knowledge of quantum mechanics comes a big responsibility.
You can no longer ever be the victim.
This is the hard bit.
You can no longer see yourself as a victim.
You must become a Master.

This is easier for some than others, depending on how much pain and crap you have had in life. And some defo get way more than their fair share.
My personal belief is that we come here to experience certain things and no matter what you do, it is in your contract to have that experience.
This is a belief I decided to adopt because it was the only way I can make sense of some of the horrors on Earth.
True or not it allows me to accept and not judge others.
We are all playing parts that allow us to grow and experience.
We can of course have enormous growth through love, but most of us wake up because of pain. It was certainly that way for me. Then when you get fed up with the pain, you look for ways to change.
That's when the magic starts.

Life should be really simple.

  •  You decide what you want.
  •  You focus on what you want
  •  You get what you want.

This is the basis for the law of attraction.

So why are so many of us living in lack?. Lack of health, lack of wealth and lack of love.

The answer is very simple. Because of our beliefs.
The crazy part is we don't even know what we believe.
The even crazier part is a belief is just a repeated thought......and it was probably never yours in the first place.

The great news is you know what your subconscious beliefs are by looking at what you have or not and realising its your beliefs that got you there or not. What area are you struggling in?

We are living in an age of where there is a lack of gratitude. We need to put our focus and attention on how lucky we are, all the things we are grateful for.

We need to understand that it is "no ones" fault we are the way we are.
Take our full power back.
Realise that big waves come and just keep our heads down or jump over the top when they do.
No point in judging the wave and allowing it to stop you enjoying the ride.
It's never about what happens it's how we deal with it. How we react, or act.

Our beliefs, our past experiences, our lack of trust, our lack of appreciation for what is, our impatience and lack of self discipline will stop us.
It is all in there along side the unlimited potential 

Can you see the only person that can stop you?

More and more now thanks to the research of people like Lynne McTaggart who wrote The Field, The Intention experiment and The Bond, we understand our interconnection with the planet and everything and everyone on it.

We understand the power of intention and attention.
We understand that we are connected to everything in the Universe.
We understand that we affect and infect others. Deliberately or not. Consciously or unconsciously.
We understand the need for a change in the way we think, exactly as Russel Brand has been advocating.
The world is not flat peeps.....we need to open our minds much further thank that.

What to do?
Choose your words carefully. If you don't want it don't say it.
Focus with crystal clarity on what you want.
Let go of everything you do not want.
Change your beliefs to ones that serve you, others and the Planet.

Step no 1 is to Decide. Decide you are going to be free. Decide you are going to be happy. Decide you are going to meet the love of your life. Decide you are going to be rich. Decide you are going to heal.

Put your attention and intention there.
Then move into trust and observe from a happy, detached space....your dreams unfold.

This is The Key to Health and Wellbeing takes you step by step through the process of raising your vibe and clearing your energy field. Defrag yourcells, update your software, speed up your performance, and lets get HIGH!
Unlock your potential by booking now.

Sunday, 25 May 2014


Because I'm happy, clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. But are you?

For over 22 years I have been obsessed as to why your immune system could let you down.
Lack of good food, exercise, daylight, love, but what I did not fully understand was how important it is to be happy. Happiness is vital for your long term health. Happiness and Trust as opposed to fear and lack. When you are happy your body joins in. Quite literally on an electrical and chemical level the body loves you being happy.
When we are negative every cell in our body contracts and when we are positive state they expand. Since we are an energy system and our energy has to flow we can allow it or not. So we are either constricting the flow or enjoying it. We are making life easy or difficult and we are choosing even if we do not understand that.
Our bodies are like a giant radio sending and receiving signals all day long, whether we know it, like it or not. It is just the way it is. Science also now knows this. Our hearts give off a magnetic frequency and the frequency is governed by how we feel. What we see in our lives is governed by what frequency we are putting out. What we believe is what we are going to end up with……and the beliefs are usually not even ours.
When I discovered The Sedona Method (a simple, elegant emotional release technique) my happiness transformed. Since then I have studied EFT, The Work, Access Consciousness all amazing tools for allowing your cells and you to be happy.
When I learned how to change beliefs, habits, feelings and thoughts life became so much more fun. I got my sense of humour back, my energy levels went up and amazing clarity and opportunities started to appear. Seemed as if by magic, but was actually because of my new frequency/vibration.
When you feel that good you want to tell all your friends, anyone who will listen and for 8 years that is what I have been doing. But now we have a hugely exciting project about to come off in Glasgow the very first course to teach others all of this stuff.
22 years of research, studying and travelling to bring these transformational, simple processes to you.
We are very excited to launch a 2 day course on the 31st of May to teach fellow Scots The Key to Health and Wellbeing. The course teaches you how to live in harmony with the laws of nature and how to unlock any limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, past hurts and traumas, negative thinking and habits that could possibly stop you from achieving optimum health and happiness.
An 8 step plan that is 100% free (apart from the food but you are buying that anyway if you don’t grow it) and available to everyone on the planet.
Maybe you have noticed a lot of your friends and family getting sick? Time to get back in line with nature and get our health and happiness back.
I work privately with clients on a one to one basis as often we need this for trust and security. Now we also have our brand new cutting edge 2 day course, then we have our retreats the first one will be in September where you will be immersed in awesome touch and talk therapies, sunlight and sea, yoga and meditation along with flooding the body with nutrients and nourishment allowing you to come home light, free and happy.
Lilia Sinclair

Friday, 23 May 2014


Law of Attraction, let's see what you got?

So today I got my first cha ching email and boy did it feel good.
My first ever sale online, and I am liking the feeling.
The funny thing is I knew it would come, I had absolutely no doubt but it still felt better than I would have expected.
2 weeks and 5 days in. I know that a lot of people get their first in 24 hours but that did not happen for me.
I was not bothered though as I had to work my way though all the training, make the videos, write my blogs.
I was also putting out a very clear intention of who I want to attract into my team.
As a business owner for many years and having been in various MLM’s I have been there and seen a lot.
I have seen the initial excitement of joining and expecting miracles. Although some people come in and rocket to the top, for most it is not that way. You plod away, follow the duplication system and if you stick at it you get results. Everyone does…….IF they stick at it.
It is the same with any goal. Losing weight, building muscle, training for a marathon. You find out the best way to do it, then you do it, over and over again till you get the result. There is nothing genius about it except the simplicity.
I have been quite overwhelmed with how little I know in this world but I know how to create what I want, I have done it many times, its a process exactly the same as I was saying before.
Step 1 Decide what you want.
So I have some clear goals for the next 3-6 months
I am in the process of becoming a 6 figure earner in ILN.
I am attracting 5 or more  TLA members towards me and we will work this together, make money and have a blast doing it.
(this goal will clearly change the second I have one!)
I am learning every strategy in here slowly but surely so that I can connect with my team, help them identify their strengths and find the easiest way to get leads.
That’s what you have to do when you start, find leads.
ILN does the rest. Obviously as your team develops you support, encourage and mentor them, but for now its all about the leads.
I would like a team in Malta and one in Scotland because I like the way the boys are doing it in Thailand.
I know when us humans get together with the same intention we are unstoppable. Plus it’s fun to buzz each other up, and I am all about the fun.
The brilliant thing about ILN is that each individual has his own business. Some of course put more into it than others but ultimately it is down to you, this creates what I call the employer mentality as opposed to the employee one.
Very different mindset and ownership. And it is your mindset and ownership that will take you wherever you wanna go.
Mark Hoverson takes care of all the mindset training with teachings from Solomon. I have done millions of personal development courses but I have never seen or heard it done like this.
The idea is the same.
It’s up to you.
Step 2 and 3 are focus and attention, then believe and allow.
Let's see what appears by the end of the year, exciting times.
If you want your own business and you are prepared to put in the hours that requires, learn more here.
Lets rocknroll


2 and a half weeks ago I made a decision.
I knew I had to learn professionally about internet marketing and social media. I spent a lot of time on it, but a lot was wasted and I knew that.
After 6 months of inactivity when my dad was dying, I felt ready to take on a new business.
Initially I thought of taking the course, then as I learned more about the product I decided it was something I could put my hand on my heart and sell.
This system is genius
The value is incredible. The only thing that is different if you do not have a lot of contact with humans, all the training is done online and it is 100% up to you to work it all out. All the questions you have are answered on the training videos. You MUST take the time to watch, listen and action the videos.
They train you through the skills you need, the action you need to take but also spend a lot of hours teaching you about mindset and how to change your view of yourself, your perception
This could be the most important part of the system. How you think. What you believe.
From a law of attraction perspective you need to feel what you want in order to get it.
You need to let go of all doubt. You absolutely do not need to be a genius to do this, but you absolutely NEED to take the action.
Doubt, impatience, lack of self discipline are the things that will stop you from seeing the success that is there for everyone of us……if we follow the training.
Lets look at the marathon analogy. Maybe today you could not run a marathon? But if you decided you were going to then you would make a plan like this.
Step 1 DECIDE. I am going to run a marathon.
Step 2 FOCUS. Get a training plan
Step 3 BELIEVE. Follow the plan relentlessly. Even on the days its cold and wet and your tired, you still get your shoes on and run. Because if you dont, you wont be able to reach you goal.
This is an obvious process. This is how we get what we want. So for me I decided.
I decided I will be a 6 figure earner.
I am putting full focus and attention there, because that is my training plan.
Now I will be relentless everyday to bring that dream/goal towards me as fast as possible.
I am patient. I want the right people in my team. My first goal is to attract 5 TLA members.
That is when you get access to all training plus the full commissions.
The other thing about making the bigger committment is that you will put your full attention to it.
I know this will happen for me because I a loving the training, feeling amazing connecting with all these new people, and getting results and leads. It’s incredible how much I have learned and the results I am seeing in such a short space of time.
I did not get attracted in by the “earn 20 dollars in 24 hours”, that kind of chat does not inspire me.
I got attracted in by the blog offer. Because I worked on wordpress before and it took HOURS to do stuff and was uber frustrating.
The free blog and then the membership training is what drew me in. Plus I spent some time listening to Vincent and Fraser afterwards and it just felt right. You can tell when people are buzzing and talking from their hearts.
Then I decided to affiliate with the product, because for me training, learning and hanging out with the masters is my buzz.
What I have learned so far has promoted my own business in a way I did not know was possible.
Now my vision of running workshops and retreats all over the world seems truly achievable.
The world got smaller and my dreams got bigger.
In slightly over 2 weeks I had 8 leads, over 100 signing up for my workshops, and 1 private client! I am promoting my own business as well as the system. This has blown me away. 
If you are drawn to look more closely, be patient, watch the videos, pm me with any questions.
Or if you are just interested in watching how I progress, follow my blog.
Whatever you are doing, I wish you peace.
click here to learn more about the free blog.

Thursday, 22 May 2014


People often ask me "what exactly do you do?"
And I say I am a healer.
What on earth does that mean?
For a few decades I have been uber curious as to why people get sick. Why would your immune system let you down?

I have studied hundeds and maybe thousands of books, courses, videos in my quest to find out more.

Being a fitness instructor since I was 19 I have always been intrigued by different peoples levels of motivation.

I realised that we do not need more knowledge, most of us know enough.
The thing that we need is not more knowledge.
What we need is action.

Why do our positive thoughts not always lead us to positive behaviours and action?

What comes in between?

All of the following....
  • Feelings and emotions
  • The subconscious mind. 
  • Llimiting beliefs. 
  • Past hurts, traumas and experiences
  • Inherited limitation and blocks, it can be in your genes to be fearful. ( scientist Bruce Lipton explains in The Happiness gene)

We have moved through a time where we realise we are programmed, that our parents may have contributed unwittingly to our "issues and beliefs".

Thank to todays modern energy touch and talk therapies we can deprogramme our cells easily and fast. We are moving from blame to responsibility. From Victim to Master.

The only person that can hold you back is you.
The alignment between the conscious and the subconscious mind is all about the 2 minds sending out the same message.
We create our reality from here and we behave ie take action or not from here.
Let me give you an example.
On a monday you think "I am going to eat healthily and go to the gym".
By wednesday none of that has happened, why?
Because that is not what you always do. So that is not the programme that is running in your subconscious mind.
So when you take your eye off the ball you go back to doing what you always do. It's actually genius. This is what allows us to "be" without thinking. Understand this.

96-98% of our daily behaviour comes from the subconscious!

But..... in amongst all the helpful "automatic" behaviours there are other negative one. Maybe we inherited them or picked them up along the way, it does not matter. What we now know is we need to get both minds agreeing.
How do we do that?
There are 2 thngs we must do.
1. Decide exactly what you want. Even if it seems out of reach right now, know that is what you are going to have/be and do.
2. Let go of everything that could possibly stop you achieving.

Here are the things that you will do, that we all do that keeps us from out goals and dreams.

  • Doubt
  • Lack faith and trust
  • Are impatient
  • Wish it was different
  • Try to figure it all out
  • Put our happiness into the future (which never comes by the way) by saying "when". When things or people change we will be happy.
  • Take things personally when they NEVER are
  • Believe we are in control
  • Want security
  • Look for approval from ourselves and others
  • Feel cut off and separate

When we stop doing all and any of that the world changes.
Our perceptions shifts.
Our belief system opens up. This is when the magic happens.
This could be the most important thing you ever learn.
Our beliefs drive our feelings. Our feelings drive our DNA. Our DNA drive the atoms that become our reality.
See Greg Braden here for the scientific proof.

So the beliefs are driving our show. You are what you believe you are and your beliefs are held in your subconscious.
Your beliefs have a frequency that resonates out and attracts back more of the same.

To be, have and do what we want, we must believe it first. Then expand our potential and move into a different reality.
Sounds crazy? Most new things do. The world is not flat, the world is round. We are currently stuck to it by our feet or butts. That's crazy too, but it's the way it is.
We are energy. The Universe is energy. This is very, very good news, actually incredible news. Because now we understand that we can maneuver the energy, the consequences for our live transforms.
We can heal, we can create and we can let go.

When I work with people who are very sick I get them to say "I AM HEALING".
This may sound bonkers if you do not understand cellular communication.

In this book Robert Stone demonstrates how "non believers" slow "believers" down. (The Secret life of your cells)
Who you hang out with and listen to is critical to your success.
When sick people say "I am healing" guess what the people around them usually do?

Be careful with your words around others dreams and aspirations. Even if they sound ridiculous to you, that is about YOUR belief system.
Always be known for "raising the vibration".
I know I have done the opposite many times in my life and that embarrasses me now that I fully understand.

So let's pull together like the giant team we are. Our collective power is MONSTROUS.
When we all focus on the same thing, it is already done.
World peace.
Are you at peace?
It starts inside each one of us.

This is my intention for all my clients. Inner peace. Connection to bliss.
I use a variety of skills and techniques to set them on their way.
