Monday, 8 May 2017

Monday, 20 February 2017

Sabrinas healing journey from stage 4 ovarian cancer

Faith. Can it overcome fear?


A month has passed since Sabrina returned from the Budwig Centre in Spain.
My concern was always what happens after that?
She had a great time, felt loved, understood and truly cared for as a human being when she was there.
She was told she was presenting more like a stage 1 than 4 given their tests.
She met others who know about healing without expensive drugs.
She met people who listened to her and congratulated her on how far she had come given her prognosis.
The Doctors hugged her, hugging is part of their healing protocol.
She was, in her words, treated like a princess.
She felt safe there.

Then she returned home.
Back to the external enviroment.
This recreated the internal enviroment of fear and stress.

She lives in a beautiful home with a wonderful loving, supportive dad, that is not the point.
She is till in desperate need of support.
Most people dont trust and believe in the bodys ability to heal, you can feel this.

People have their own busy lives to get on with, they care but can only do so much.
People say things through their fear and their belief systems that strike pain and sorrow into a vulnerable heart.
Every single client I work with has this problem.
Please be very mindful of your words and gestures with people in this position.
Support what they want, not what you believe.

The system does not accommodate people who are trying their best to release the terminal diagnosis and heal themcellves like thousands of others have done.
When you refuse the drugs and surgery, you are left alone to try or die.

There is nowhere for Sabrina and others like her, to get the support that most of us would need to fend off the oppression of a terminal diagnosis.
Nowhere that does not cost a fortune that most of us do not have.
Combine that with the vivid description of the expected dying process, kindly given to her by the oncologist and you need to go some to “not believe”.

I can read Sabrina like a book now.
I observe her ups and downs, even know when they will happen based on what she is eating and doing.

I want to be with her, kind of like a yearning mum does when their sick kid is left at home.
Or like when I dropped Nicol off at nursery and he cries and begs to go with me.
You know the feeling.

I know I can make her feel better, but for now I can only love her across the net, and thank God for the gift of that.

I see her pain through my computer, she has no mum to hold her, no boyfriend or girlfriend to hug her wordlessly.
She is not alone, none of us are, but it feels that way to her and others in these darker moments.
Then the stress overtakes the body, tears come, anxiety and pain come in as the body is flooded with the wrong chemicals and the cells contract tightly creating great discomfort.
It breaks my heart but drives me to seek the solution to this.

Her abdomen has been really swollen, the way it used to be before she came to Wardija.
This has been really getting her down.
It seems to me, that it is the change of diet.
Combined with the enormous amount of detoxing.
This is when it gets hard, you need to be super strong, well educated and knowing to believe that the body is healing, not getting sicker.
This is when people believe you are in denial.
Not understanding that our beliefs are driving our DNA towards our intended outcome.
Most people have no idea of the healing power of our beliefs.
Henry Ford said it.
Whether you believe you can or you can't, you are right.
She has come on miles since we met and is doing all the right things and knows the symptoms may not mean the worst, but it is uncomfortable.
She has had some really difficult days. I told her to email Budwig and get their take on what was happening.
They modified her diet and told her to use the machines, vortex 10 for 3 hours everyday plus her magnets.
She has been confused and as to what rituals to follow, what to eat and too emotionally weak and distressed to see clearly what has to be done.

She went to see a private doctor, and he asked why she did not go back to her own oncologist.
She told him outright, only God has the right to tell me when I will die, not that man.
I am trying everything to live and I do not want any of your negative opinions, please just help me release the swelling in my belly.
The wonderful thing about this man we he made her feel safe.
Wow. Seek out the people who make you feel safe.
She is unbelievable the way she stands up to the oppression and might of the Doctors, she constantly blows me away with how brave she is.
Anyone who has been in he position will know how hard it is, I see it every day.
She needs support but boy is she strong. And now she is also super knowledgeable.

Dont get me wrong she has amazing friends and incredible dad who love and support her, but they are all worried about her too.
She needs professional holistic healers to support and mentor her, and possibly a place to go when the going gets really tough and the overwhelm makes her feel like giving up.

She told me last week she wanted to give up, but thought of her time and Wardija, and all the people who have helped her, and she climbs out the depression and sees a tiny glimmer of hope again.
She is a fighter, but she is also a human being.

Fear of death
This is not about not dying, we are all dying in our own unique way.
This is about trying to live. And that is our birthright.
The biggest irony of letting go for healing is when you look at death and release all fear, you heal.
But that is a big ask when you are so low.
She is only 34.
Not many want to die at that age.
We are totally terrified of death and do not even want to say the word, and we are all going to die, it's a real kind of crazy.
Let's ignore it and hope it goes away.
Ultimately we are all going to leave these bodies, so lucky  we are not the body.

The crazy thing is we destroy the body.
We torment it with our desperate need for control, approval, security, separation and oneness. With our wishing it was different, trying to figure it all out, heavy judgement, perception of being alone and separate.
With our belief that maybe some time in the future when everything is the way we demand, then we can be happy.
The future never comes.
We only have today. Every single one of us, allegedly terminal or not.
Just for today can we trust?
Just for today can we accept?
Just for today can we surrender?
Just for today can we allow?

The current model
In the current system we have 2 choices when diagnosed terminal or incurable.
  1. Take the drugs and surgery with the belief of either getting a little while longer or relief from symptoms. The radiation that my dad got for lung cancer certainly helped his cough which was a godsend, but it destroyed his energy and ability to participate in the family for any length of time.
  2. Accept that you are dying and go into a hospis or respite at home.

Option 3
What about a 3rd option?
Radical Remission Wards of Hope
A space where you get the opportunity to “try” to live with an all singing and dancing supporting cast.

Lets pull out all the other things that you can do to help yourcellf to have one more day on this planet.
Or to feel better about the days that you may have.
What about a place that just helps you release fear, fear that has been given to you by a system that is beyond outdated.
What about forgetting about death and focusing on today.
Today is all we will ever have.
To project someones death into a perceived future, with colourful adjectives to help the mind torture the body, is beyond cruel.
It is abuse.
It is also not true or does not need to be if we would just open our minds and our eyes.

Here are some of the blatantly obvious things you can do to help your cellf that are totally ignored in Western medicine.

I am going to quote directly from Kelly Turner PhD's book Radical Remissions.
Go to her site to read about all the people who were told they were going to die by Doctors and Oncologists, and chose not to.

Here are the top 9 things they all did.

  1. Took control of their own healing
  2. Radically changed their diet
  3. Supplements and herbs
  4. Let go – the biggy!
  5. Focused on the positive
  6. Had a strong desire to live
  7. Deepened their intuition
  8. Deepened their spiritual connection
  9. Strong social support network – surrounded themcellves by the right people

Kelly talked and continues to talk to literally thousands of people who have defied the odds.

Why some people heal and defy the odds is not crystal clear, but this is where our energy, attention and focus should be going.
Our collective consciousness HAS to move to solution and away from accepting this is just the way it is.
We are transmitters of energy and we create our reality, individually and collectively.
Disease is out of control.
What do we need to learn?
What is so out of balance when we have so much information, material wealth and possessions?
Why is it so difficult to believe we can heal?
Our health went one way and now it can go back again?
Surely this is a basic concept of physics?

You either believe this
1. We cannot heal and we need other people and drugs to help us. We are separate, individual entities fighting for our lives with no power of our own.
2. We have the power to heal, its innate in each one of us. And we can collectively pull together and put our intention into the Field to help and support each other on this journey. We are one.

Owning your power
I understand the difficulty in moving from,  I give my body to the Doctors to heal, as opposed to I heal mycellf.
How is it possible without training, without education or understanding of biology, chemistry and medicine.
Well it is, choose to believe it or not, that is your prerogative.

Its a massive leap of faith.
A 180 degree shift in understanding.
Healing does not happen out there, it happens in here.
Wow, that is a huge paradigm shift.
Plus it's free.
Truly believe it and you will see it.
It's the Law.
Keep the Faith Sabrina, just for today.


President-Elect Trump: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Sunday, 8 January 2017

You are dying, whether you like it or not!


​You are what you believe. Who are you believing?

​I help people move from Fear to Faith
Fear kills, faith heals. Fact.

I help my clients come up for air out of the dark, suffocating fog of fear and into the light where they can breathe easy, at least for a hit.

Then they go back to their external enviroment and well meaning family, friends and doctors can and do trigger the fear again with mindless words and gestures.

This is one of the biggest things I picked up from Dr Joe Dispenza, the detrimental or transformational power of our eternal enviroment.

This happens with every single client I work with, no exceptions.

They plunge back down into fear by others careless words, especially the words of the ones closest and the Doctors who they have given over their body, power and life to.

If you do not believe people can heal, if you have not researched and read, then you should push your belief out through your mouth down theirs, right?
Even if it terrifies the living daylights out of them?

I am sure I have done it too, without realising, reacting from my fear, and giving my unwanted opinion that is filtered through my experience and past. This is not a judgement, just an observation and one we should all be very mindful of if someone we love has had the voodoo curse. (terminal or incurable prognosis based only on the fact there are no pharmaceutical drugs to help)

I knew this was a problem but had no idea how dangerous this was, until recently.

I spend an hour helping my clients to see things differently, helping them come up for air, then hours and days later others fill them with dread, yet again.

This is not about blowing sunshine up someones ass.
This is about quantum physics and the new SCIENTIFIC findings that are proven, measured and duplicated.

We have the power to heal ourcellves.
People are healing by thought alone........and dying.

In Kelly Turners book Radical Remissions she states the 9 things that people did to defy the odds.
She interviewed over 1500 and counting, people who were sent home to die but didnt.
Quite newsworthy dont ya think!!!!!!

NB. People are healing against ALL odds. Hundreds of thousands of them who have been told by the allpathic system that they are going to die.
Remember all the allopathic system can offer is pharmaceutical drugs.
Nothing else.
Quite incredible in this day and age!! 2017 ffs.
Nothing about nutrition, nothing about the past traumas, nothing about emotions, nothing about spiritual connection.
Match symptoms to drugs, thats it.

What appears to be happening through the perception of a human (Doctor) in a snapshot of your body (which is a vibrating mass of energy, constantly changing and interacting in the Field), in that second in time.

That is how your fate is being assessed.
Why the body is doing what it is doing is completely ignored like it is some nuisance behaving badly.

Kelly did her PhD on this and has a course to teach you exactly what they did, if you have cancer then do this course, or any other dis ease for that matter.

2 of the steps in Kellys book are
  1. Take control.
    When you get diagnosed you possibly find you move onto a conveyor belt of activity. Appointments, tests, results, treatment, all laid out for you, you have no say. It is critical to breathe, take stock ans weigh up ALL the options, not just the pharmaceutical ones.
  2. Strong social support network.
This is critical to your success, maybe the most important.
In Sophie Sabbages book The Cancer Whisperer she sent an email out to her inner circle telling them what she needed, and maybe even more importantly what she did not need, to hear especially.

Embarking on a healing journey it is one of the toughest things you will ever do.
It can take years, maybe a lifetime, and your continual challenge is to keep on keeping on. Avoiding the foods, people, places etc that you know harm you instead of healing you.
And going against the advice of the so called experts takes guts and strength that very few have.
This is where you friends and family hopefully, become part of your healing plan.
They allow you the down time then lift you up again, because believe me it is NEVER over till the fat lady sings, and people have come back from deaths door.
Because they had the balls to try.

This is not about not dying. We are all going to die, or move to the next dimension, all of us so let's pan back and take a less emotional look at this.

I am excited about this thing we call death, I believe we are not the body and just using this incredible vehicle to have an Earthly experience. This is just my conclusion after decades of research and courses.
If you are interested in the direct experience of one of the Worlds most experienced astral travellers go here.

I am not ready to go there yet, I have a load of Earthly experiences to enjoy before that.

But a huge healing irony is, when we let go of our fear of death, we often heal.
This is all about trust and surrender.

Think about this. If we knew that death was just a change of address and we had no fear of it, then the body would be less likely to get sick.
Infact the minute you signal to the body that everything is ok, the chemistry changes and it will return to homeostasis.
We do not heal ourcellves. We move out of flight or flight and into trust and the cells rearrange themcellf and healing occurs.

Staying in fear depresses the immune system, creates negative thoughts, feelings and perceptions and kills us.
Look around at all the bullshit we are being fed, its is ALL fear driven.
Could that possibly be contributing to our cancer pandemic?

Make no mistake telling people they are going to die will kill them if they believe you and hand over their power to you.
This has been happening forever and is still happening, it is just dressed a little differently now.

So let me talk about Sabrina.
Let me keep it brief.
2 rounds of chemo, 1 lot of radiation and 2 surgeries later her cancer is appearing to spread. I use the word appearing carefully and will explain in a bit.
The first round of chemo was “strong” one oncologist actually said it was amazing she survived it. WTF.
Shortly after she started it, she had an adverse reaction that landed her in Mt Carmel, Maltas psychiatric hospital.

Sabrina has been trying to stay positive, meditate, get into Nature, research, let go, juice and avoid as many toxins as possible but she is continually challenged and depressed by the test results and opinion of the oncologist who has assured her she has an expiry date (her words) and also added in how he thought it would happen, fluid in her legs (which he checked for and was surprised there was none there) and agonising pain in her belly. When that happened she is free to go back to him.

We are unclear as to the cancer markers being a sign that the cancer is spreading or breaking down and healing.
They often go up when the body is detoxing.

Try and stay positive with that kind of language and attitude and you are made of strong stuff.
When it feels like the whole world thinks you are going to die, and you are bravely reaching out and desperately searching for help and there seems to be none.

Sabrina is not alone. But she feels like she is, the fear the oncologist instills and his certainty that she will die has a strong hexing effect.
Another friend of mine took the “special chemo” that was on offer for her died before Christmas.
For some strange reason we all accept that as ok?
They tried everything.

They only tried drugs.
Wake up world.

Sabrina then applied to go to the Gerson Institute in Hungary.
They asked for her records and more tests which meant another visit to the Oncologist.
Fear and body pain, as always was the result of that visit.
Sabrina saying she was trying to heal, him saying no you wont and cant.
Quite the mentally, crazy, ridiculous, bonkers, cruel, you get the picture system.

Gerson got the physical tests then asked for the psychiatric ones.
This is what she wrote in the email.
This was all brought on by the "strong" chemo.

Sabrinas email to Gerson

In the first attachment you can see that I was admitted the hospital because of catatonic stupor and psychosis.  I was admitted to hospital on the 25th January 2014 with auditory hallucinations and paranoid ideations as can be seen in the second and third attachment.  The diagnosis on the case summary in attachment 3 shows that i had Query Encephalitis.  Such psychological problems continued until 31st March 2014 although I still attended work. 

Then after this episode I suffered from a severe depression.  I did not want to wake up and spent full days crying.  I was on different meds.  My first psychiatrist told me i would never get off psychosis meds and i changed him and the new one gave me the right meds to help me and I became better immediately  since 24th February 2015.  I was weened of psychosis meds and gave me new pills which worked immediately.  In attachment 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 you can see the changes in my medications. I continued on medications listed in attachment 9 + half sedoxil in the morning and another half in the evening until September 2016 when i started juicing, meditation and I had support to start reducing them.  I had no side effects whatsoever since i stopped them completely. 

She came off all the meds they told her she could never come off.
That she would have to stay on them for life?!

After receiving the medical version of the above they refused her on their detox course.

She was devastated. She had put all her hopes on getting there and meeting others and being with people who know about healing and believe in it.

Now there is a very good reason they refused.
Nothing to do with the stage 4 cancer, all to do with the treatments and drugs she had been given.
They were concerned that her body could not be thrown into their intensive 2 week detox without compromising her liver and advised her to come for the day, get the training and wean her onto the cleanse slowly.

My Mantra is TRUST.
Trust it is happening exactly the way it is meant to.
We joke and say its just going to make the book more interesting.

My take was always, if they say no then its because you are meant to go somewhere else.
She is a crazy latina fan so Spain and Mexico are the places she is drawn to, cancer aside.

The Oasis of Hope, what an awesome name, is a place most Westerners go with tremendous success.
This takes money, another gripe of mine, she should be able to take the money saved from the chemo and huge surgery and use it to heal naturally.
But its all tied up with Big Pharma.

Its hard to beg for money, or ask, or pray.
My dream is that in the near future there will be a place for all my clients old, new and the rest who will be diagnosed in our current system.
A truly holistic place, in Nature, surrounded by love and hope.
Where people can stay with their families until they “rewire” their belief system and subconscious minds.
A place where we can live and die the way we choose without the oppression of the system.
Humans are going to die.
Sabrina has faced death for 3 years, she has done an incredible job, made transformational changes in her life since the day she came to me and said life was not worth living if you could not have a ftira lol.

She says the last few months have been the best of her life.
To die drinking juice, laughing, dancing and visiting your friends in different countries is not ok but to die in a hospital hooked to a drip with poison dripping in, or radiation burning your precious body is normal.


We are researching all real options for her. Hippocrates is where I would love her to go but it is hugely expensive plus the travel, Oasis of Hope is run like Gerson, a charity but it is in Mexico and a few visits maybe required.

Donal Trump wants to build a wall to keep Mexico separate.
I find it quite ironic that most lateral thinking diseased Westerners are going there to experience the most powerful healers on the Planet.
I hope they will never keep us out.

If you can donate even 10euros it will help us on the journey.
But even more important is your support and messages to her that keep her spirits up, please know that each one of you who has taken the time to message, your words mean more than you can know.
Here is the link, appreciation and gratitude in abundance.

You need the treatment you believe you need.
Most people I work with are more afraid of the treatments than death.
Is that our intuition?

You can die, it going to happen, in fear or love.
What would you choose?

Here is to our right to choose, and our right to believe.
Thank you for reading.
​Happy, abundance, joyful new year to you all.

Dr Joe Dispenza Get your shift together a new mind for a new era