Sunday, 16 August 2015




If you have been to one of my workshops you will know that I teach everything from a cellular level.
How the cells respond and react to our internal and external enviroment.

The Immersion Retreat is designed to give your cells the best holiday ever by combining ancient and cutting edge techniques and knowledge to help the cells release outdated, unhelpful programming and information while at the same time guiding us inwards to discover the magic of our desires and intentions.!malta/cwrq

When I work with my clients my full focus is on how to help them release all fear, reconnect with themselves and their intuition as I firmly believe we all have the capacity to heal when we do this.

But leave healing aside. What about the rest of us who are just maybe a bit tired or fed up, or wondering if there is something else? What can we do when we turbo charge our energy levels?

I have known for the last 23 years that we can heal. I did not know how we could do it, but deep down inside I just knew.
More than 2 decades later the light is well and truly on.

In the last 2 months I have read 2 powerful books that back up my work, research, workshops and Retreats in a nutshell.
Radical Remissions by Kelly A Turner and The Secret of your cells by Sondra Barrett, both phd ladies.

These 2 books to me, sum up all of the research. Not just sum it up but back it up.
Both wonderful ladies with phd's. Well educated, well balanced, well researched with huge hearts.

Its so nice to see others singing the same song and doing it so well. Much more than nice, it's BRILLIANT!

Most of us nowadays, I would like to believe, understand that healing begins with us?
You cannot expect to turn up at the doctor and get a pill to make you well.

The body is an energy system that has many different sides to it.
In the West we only look at the physical. We totally 100% ignore the emotional and spiritual.

Lets look at things from the cells perspective.
We know the cells respond and react to our internal and external enviroment.
Our words, thoughts, feelings, actions, nutrition, other people, along with out beliefs, programming and inherited stuff.
In order to heal the root cause we must address both enviroments to ensure the body rebalances for good, and not just put plasters over the warning lights as the allopathic system does.

This makes it more complex for healing but we are multifaceted beings and all of this has to be considered for true harmony.
We have incredible power, the problem is most of us do not believe it.
Beliefs, this is where a lot of our problems lie. We have been brought up believing someone else heals us.

When we understand the extraordinary intelligence and healing power that lies in our cells it transforms the way we see life. This is what Sondra has done in her book, The Secret in your cells.
The fabric within our cells listens and responds to us and our enviroments.
There is a sacred consciousness there that perhaps most Western doctors dont know about or believe in.
But science is catching up.
Not only do we have power to release anything we need to but added to that we have the power to attract anything we want.
Its a two fold process.

We believe the Doctors when they tell us how long we have to live.
Well some of us do, I know my dad did.
They talk about a clinical path, but that path can be changed. By you.
But for some reason others are not accepting what the doctor says instead they are turning inwards and choosing another path, another reality.
Radical Remissions is a catalogue of the humans who have defied the odds and Kelly has brilliantly laid out the 9 things that they did in order to take the body back to balance.

Here they are
1. Drastically changed their diets
2. Took responsibility for their own healt
3. Followed their intuition
4. Used herbs and supplements
5. Released suppressed emotions
6. Increased positive emotions
7. Embraced social support
8. Deepened their spiritual connection
9. Had strong reasons for living

We can refuse or accept that reality and go inside for guidance and outside for support to find a new one.
Incredible book, all happy ending stories and the big one for me is it is all on my healing plan.
We can all do it, if we choose, but we need to take our power back.

Read these 2 books and you will have all the information you need to turn things around in your life.

What is so cool about The Secret of your cells is that Sondra Barrett explains how the cells work, how we are all interconnected and how there is an intelligence in the cells that cannot be explained simply by chemistry.

She beautifully explains about the tensegrity structure of the cell, kind of like a geodesic dome principal, using the push and pull to create a shape. How the web of microtubules that appear to be the fabric of the cell run through them and transport energy or concsciousness..........
This takes it a step further than Dr Bruce Lipton who has already educated us on how the cell membrane responds to our internal enviroment, now we understand we have this fabric in the inside that is carrying information.
We can communicate with them!!!
OMG how I love this stuff!

Remissions and cells
When you put the steps in Radical Remissions into place the cells respond to all of that as clearly explained in The Secret of your cells.

Kelly Turners research clearly demonstrates what the 9 things people who have defied the odds do and Sondra Barrett clearly demonstrates the intelligence of cells and how they respond to all of that

The way I see it is if we can keep our cells in an expanded lightened state by doing all the things that Kelly suggests and if we need to know why then read Sondras book for true inspiration and understanding of the magic of the cells.
We are made up of trillions of vibrating cells/energy and we now know that when you put a cell under a powerful microscope we are 99.999999999999999999999999999999% space. Go figure!

When our cells are bathed in unconditional love we heal.
When we bathe them in fear for long enough we destroy them.
Sadly our system is based on fear.
I watched them tell my dad he was going to die.
Does that not seem an insanely cruel thing to do to an 82 year old man?
But its the system. You will get told how to die, but never how to live.

This is why we must move away from judgement, attachment, stress, fear, control, security, approval and distrust.
We must take our power back to move away from fear based medicine to life based healing.

Relax ourcells by surrendering.
Bathe  ourcells in trust and love.
Then they can return to balance and you will heal.This is mindblowing quantum physics that you will not hear about in your doctors surgery, well its unlikely, but you have to know about it if you are facing a healing crisis.
There maybe nothing they can do?
But there is a lot you can do.
If you choose.

Believe in miracles?
Because it all starts with what you believe.
Or just a smidgeon of hope.
I dare you to hope........

Liver, Kidneys, Lymph and Intestines Detox Frequency Healing - Organ Cle...

Liver, Kidneys, Lymph and Intestines Detox Frequency Healing - Organ Cle...

Liver, Kidneys, Lymph and Intestines Detox Frequency Healing - Organ Cle...

Tuesday, 4 August 2015


After a couple of years of achey joints, fatigue and other classic post menopausal symptoms I eventually realised I had to take action.
The diagnosis of high inflammation is common in women my age but also extremely dangerous.
You need to put the fire out.
Earlier this year I spent 5 months working on my health, fasting, juicing, raw food and releasing.
Slowly but surely I started to feel better and figured when I got back to the sun and cranked up the Vit D3 then I would get my body back.....pain free.
Spending time outside makes me feel good and the oxygen, ocean, moon, stars and the sun all help to heal the body.
So 8 weeks later I am feeling better and better.
I actually twist my waist round expecting the pain in my lower back to be there but it has almost completely disappeared. My shoulder is perfect again and when I am doing my yoga there is not even a twinge from it, even I am amazed.
I read the book about extremely high doses of Vit D3, fascinating read, how the body heals when you get this vital hormone and although I have not supplemented any, I spend most days and nights outside so clearly getting a lot more than I did in Scotland.
My drive is back too. Not to the intensity of before, but thats ok, I was a bit frantic before, much happier to go with the flow.
The other great thing is the bloating. My internal organs were swollen due to the inflammation and it was sooo uncomfortable along with being pretty ugly.
Spending time in Nature, beautiful places, happy people and sunshine makes it easy to stay in a higher vibration.
Our cells LOVE a higher vibration, they stretch out and languish in the love vibe.
They release crap in that state and allow the flow for healing and happiness.
I have been supplementing magnesium, Vit C, omega 3 and that along with everything else I have been doing including visualisation has stopped the contraction that I think could be the start of a hot flush, although I never had any, I had funny sensations.
Still juicing most days, my appetite here is tiny, I eat way less than I do in the UK.
Loads of fresh veggies and fruit along with perhaps too much beer.
I need to tap on cold beer in the heat because it seems the best thing to drink, when clearly it is not!

After reading the amazing book by Sondra Barrett called The Secret of your cells I have been doing way more visualisations too. I had intuitively started to do this with my clients, getting into a communication with your cells and telling them what you need and beaming love, appreciation and basically anything that helps the relax and expand.

I am excited about my next Retreat coming up in October, the incredible impact you can make on your health and happiness when you understand how and why, its is a very, very exciting time for healing and getting onto a high, happy vibration.

Sometimes we get far too serious about life and lose our sense of humour.
None of know the day we leave this Planet, so it makes sense to value your body, mind and time left here.
But never forget to laugh and have fun.
I have been listening to far more music again, dancing more and going to see bands.
6 months ago I could not do any of that.
I am so grateful for my health and new found pain free, energetic body.