Obesity is a growing problem in our society and causes massive health and happiness problems.
There is nothing worse than "feeling fat" trying to do things and being inhibited by your legs, your middle or just your general fitness.
The body is a genius set up but can cause us endless pain and disillusionment if we do not understand it.
And most people dont.
Including the medical world, our gyms, health outlets and the workplace.
Nowadays we use food as a social outlet. This was never it purpose.
Nowadays we process, refine, add sugar, additives and chemicals to our food, again this was never in Mother Natures design.
Nowadays we use food as a drug, usually without realising, but we use it to soothe ourselves, our children and possible our visitors too. That wee treat that in reality is no treat for the body and is in fact causing the body undue stress and harm.
We think we are so clever and we are systematically destroying our food chain with no respect for the long term effects. If you look around your community, network you will possibly know numerous people who are struggling with their health and happiness.
It is an epidemic.
Stress is another enormous factor. Most of us are working, parenting, juggling, worrying about the now and the future and possibly the past.
Indoors culture. Most of us are living indoors, cut off from the energy of the planet, the daylight and fresh air.
Gratitude. Instead of living a life of wonder and delight at this incredible planet, most are ungrateful, wanting more, still looking to fill a void.
A void that cannot be filled my consumerism.
But the main thing that has been overlooked is the subconscious mind.
We are programmed, and I mean this in the nicest possible way.
We learn our behaviours, responses, habits and beliefs from others.
We inherit all of the above too.
We get good at things by repetition. Thinking and doing over and over again. Most of this goes in before we are 2 and then up the 7 when the brain frequency goes up into beta and the sponge learning slows down.
Give me a boy at 7 and I will show you the Man.
So the conscious thought of "on monday I am going to eat well and go to the gym" is the start of "changing things" it is weak and unlikely to work not because you are weak and dumb, simply because you have never done this. You quite literally are trying to overide a programme of not eating well and not going to the gym.
You do not put on radio 1 and get radio 2. You need to do 3 things.
1. Decide you need to change
2. Adjust your frequency
3. Release the old programme
Until recently we have talked about willpower over and over. Maybe you have even said "I have no willpower". When you understand this simple process you can do away with the idea of willpower for ever.
You would not look at the radio, judge it, shout at it, berate it for not changing to radio 2, you would follow the simple steps and change the frequency, effortlessly without stress.
You need to change your own frequency.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
To change you need to first of all DECIDE.
This is simple goal setting along with releasing the old programme to make it wayayayayayay easier.
97% of what we do, or there abouts comes from this mind. Most of what we do today, most of what we thought today, we did yesterday. We are repetitive, habitual creatures. This makes us feel comfortable. But now we understand this we can make "changing, easy and fun."
When we had our gym I worked with hundreds of people who wanted to lose weight.
The 2 underlying beliefs I found were
1. I have to give up all the things I love in order to be slim
2. I can never be my ideal weight and even if I got there I could never stay slim
Neither of these beliefs are true, but they may be keeping you stuck.
Our programming and beliefs are the reason we are fat.
Our beliefs drive our reality. We may not even know what we believe about food and our cellves.
Refined sugar and simple, refined carbohydrate are very addictive, more addictive than heroin some say.
They are like a drug to us, and we will make any excuse and reason to consume them. We will be swayed easily by others to take them, and we will hide away to fee our urge too.
This is normal addictive behaviour, but because it it legal it is given no attention.
Overeating is now killing more people than starvation. But its not the amount of calories, it is the quality.
There is a massive health difference for someone in a 3rd world country who gains weight eating natural food, usually starchy carbohydrate laden and someone in the west eating a pile of chemcal laden junk working a job they hate for a crap wage.
The quality of your fat dramatically changes your health risks.
Is it time to get into your subconscious, your hardrive?
DECIDE. It is time to make the change.
WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS. Get total clarity on what you want, including what your new belief is.
LET GO. Release all outdated beliefs and habits.
Patience, trust and faith appear. A time lapse. The new energy system that is you appears.
Call or pm me for a free consultation.
Don't fanny around any longer.