Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Taking time out for yourcellf is priceless.
These times can be turbulent as the energy increases, consciousness changes, the planet speeds up and most of us gett tossed around in the waves.

Relationships are breaking up, people are getting sick and dying and depression and anxiety are at an all time high.

But........this is also a magical, incredible time to be here on Earth. Our new understanding of the physical, non physical world has opened up a plethera of miraculous opportunities.

Healing had taken a clinical turn over the last 100 years where we have given our health over to the pharmaceutical model. There is no doubt there is some fantastic advances in medicine but we also have the law of unintended consequences to deal with and the advent of free health care has meant that we believe we can live any way we want and then turn up at a GP or Hospital and get someone else to fix us.

Our ego and lethargy has taken us so far away from Nature and the connectedness of humans that we are actually dying because of it.

We have completely forgotten that the body can and does heal itself when it is given the time, space, love, attention and intention.

Imagine for a moment the body is a separate thing from you.
Think of your body as a pedigree dog.
You have been given this incredible vibrating bundle of molecules to look after for this lifetime.
How do you treat it?
How would you treat the pedigree dog?
Probably this is what you would do for the dog.
Give it the correct food, take it for regular walks and then you would probably, pat it, love it and be very kind to it. If it was tired you would understand. If it was happy, you would be too. If it wanted to play you would feel playful and enjoy the time.

In other words you would treat it wonderfully and you would enjoy the experience.

Unfortunately now we are so disconnected from our bodies and Nature we know we are feeling lost but don't understand why.

Lack of live nutrition, fresh air, natural light, exercise, love, time and kindness all impacts on our health.
Then you look at the news, the computer, your phone and all over there is more fear and information.

We are at overload.
Our energy body holds information.
We are holographic in nature, with each cell holding vibrations that can affect our health and happiness.
We need to delete old programmes, let go of limiting beliefs about our lives and set our cells free.
We need to raise our vibration and allow the energy and light to flow.
So. What to do?

Natural High Malta Immersion Retreat will take you back to your roots.
Connect you back to Mother Nature.
Help you to create a health ritual perfect for you and your lifestyle.
You will learn how to make powerful juices and smoothies, amazing raw and cooked delicious meals, techniques that will set you free at a cellular level and much more.

We will Immerse you in a variety of touch and talk therapies that will ensure you lightness and clarity. Your energy levels will soar as will your motivation and inspiration levels.
In other words you will get high...naturally.

Do yourcell a favour and Immerse yourself with us.

Free 20 minute skype consultations to ensure this is the right place and time for you.
Lilia Sinclair - Vibroqueen

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